Help shape the future of Optimizely

Join our user research community and become an influential voice in the development of cutting-edge solutions!

Join the community

a group of people sitting around a table

Why participate in user research?

User research is the heart of innovation. It's the driving force behind creating products that resonate with real users like you. By participating in user research, you get to:​

  • Shape the future: Directly impact the design and features of upcoming products with your valuable insights and feedback.​
  • Be an insider: Get a sneak peek at pre-release products and services before anyone else. You'll be among the first to experience and help mold new features!​
  • Make a difference: Your contributions help inform user experiences, making products more accessible, efficient, and enjoyable for everyone.​

How it works

  • Get matched: Based on the products you use, we'll match you with research opportunities that align with your area of expertise. If a study is a good fit, you’ll get details about the study, including next steps and timing.​
  • Participate: Engage in user research studies. Whether on a video call, in person, or answering a survey, your voice matters, and we can't wait to hear it!
Join the community